Blend Style and Functionality with a Round Dining Table

Our entertaining columnist, Merrily Jackson, is a true believer that a round dining table brings an extra spark to a dinner party, promoting connection and conversation. Here are three to inspire.


All photos by Aaron Leimkuehler

Circle Takes the Square

In the home of interior designer Amy Thurston, the round, custom table with brass inlay fits perfectly into the square room that’s open to other rooms on three sides. The softly rounded chairs from Crate & Barrel heighten the effect. 


Nest Interiors designers Kat Benson and Katy Casaw selected a Noir dining table for the home of Annie and Carrie Chadwick. The dining room is the first room one encounters when entering the Leawood ranch house, so it serves as a “welcome in” for arriving guests. 

Metal Mix 

Brass details abound in the dining room of Dan and Katie Lumma. Interior designer Maureen Lindstrom of ML Designs found the traditional round table with brass trim at market, and selected curved, cane chairs with brass accents and an Uttermost brass mirror to bring it all together.

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