Shop, Dine, Work, Live & Play all at Bluhawk!
In the heart of the Midwest, an exciting new opportunity awaits. Bluhawk is a multi-faceted destination experience that draws visitors to Overland Park, KS with a mix of immersive retail, dining, athletics, educational opportunities, and community events.
Yes, you really can have it all — if Bluhawk has anything to say about it, that is! Located just a stone’s throw from Kansas City, Bluhawk is where Overland Park takes flight. With the state-of-the-art AdventHealth Sports Park at Bluhawk (opening this fall); can’t-miss brands like ULTA, Sierra, & Bath and Body Works; and tried-and-true restaurants, such as Whataburger, Red Door Grill, Andy’s Frozen Custard, it’s easy to see why Bluhawk is soon to become your family’s number-one destination for the everyday, the special days, and all the days in between. It’s easy to see why we mean it when we say: Bluhawk is everything, and then some.
What is Bluhawk?
Located in Overland Park, Kansas, and created by Kansas City’s century-old, family-owned company Price Brothers, Bluhawk is 277 acres of mixed-use development. But even more than that, it’s a serendipitous, first-of-its-kind sum of retail, dining, multifamily, office, healthcare, entertainment, and youth sports, all of which is anchored by the state-of-theart AdventHealth Sports Park at Bluhawk. Step outside the sports park and immediately step into a lifestyle center; it is the apex of adjacency and the absolute in accessibility. For the special day and the everyday, the sports tournament and the shopping trip, there’s never been anything like it before, in Kansas or anywhere else. And it is therefore uniquely well-positioned to take Overland Park, over the top. In short, it represents the best of the Kansas City area and its brightest future.