Let’s all crack open a cold one and raise our frosty mug to Jeremy Danner, KC’s preeminent craft-beer expert. Not only is Danner a 16-year veteran of the craft brewing industry, but he currently holds court as the on-premise specialist and brand ambassador for 4 Hands Brewing Company.

If it has to do with beer in the metro, rest assured Danner has somehow been involved.
Prior to his current position, Danner worked in brewing, cellar, packaging, management and marketing roles at 75th Street Brewery, the Power Plant Restaurant & Brewery and Boulevard Brewing Company.
When he’s not fast and furiously tweeting, you’ll often find him helping breweries connect to consumers through his love of craft beer. (Tough work, but someone’s got to do it!) He’s also a big proponent of the denizens of Kansas City. “I’ve been fortunate to travel the country quite a bit and it’s always nice to come back home to good, regular people in Kansas City,” he says. “I also love being about 15 minutes away from everything and could never see myself moving away from the Royals.”
We chatted up Danner to find out his local haunts, fave stomping grounds, and other sundry items.
What’s your favorite place to drink beer and people watch?
“Right now, it’s Kauffman Stadium. It’s so great being back at Royals games, drinking beer with friends and family and checking out the team and the crowd.
There’s never a shortage of interesting folks, especially fans who wear costumes! I’m equally fascinated and intimidated by the red-tailed hawk guy who sits in full costume near the fountains.”
What’s your favorite place to appease your sweet tooth?
“We’ve been making weekly Andy’s Frozen Custard runs. I need to figure out what to say to get a cup full of cookie dough and hot fudge.”
What are you binge-watching this second?
“I just finished Halston on Netflix, but we’re in the middle of watching The Handmaid’s Tale with episodes of House Hunters International to break up the heavy mood.
I also watch a ton of scary movies late at night after my family’s gone to bed. If it has vampires, I’m in.”
Where do you go to get (or stay) caffeinated?
“Second Best Coffee is my favorite roaster/coffee shop in town. Their Kyoto-style cold brew is rocket fuel and we use their beans at home.”
Fave film/theater monologue you know by heart and can recreate on the spot?
“I’m a bit of a walking Fight Club quote encyclopedia. I may or may not yell, ‘You are not your f**king khakis!’ at friends.”
What’s your go-to dive bar—and mandatory meet-up with friends?
“I spend a lot of time at Hi-Dive. I’m in a committed relationship with their pork tenderloin sandwich. And I love taking a chance when ordering a mystery beer from the can machine behind the bar.”
Speaking of, it’s closing time—where do you go for late-night breakfast?
“I’ve gotten a little lame as I approach 40 (on July 23)! and don’t often find myself in bars at closing time. But, if I do, I’m probably gonna skip breakfast food and look for a late-night burger. I need something with substance in my belly as I go to bed after a night of drinking.”
Where do you go to chill out/decompress outdoors?
“Over the past year, we’ve gone on a few family road trips to places like New Mexico and South Dakota to check out national parks and amazing nature scenes.
We visited Arizona right before everything shut down to see Sedona and the Grand Canyon. I dig the perspective that comes from being next to a massive rock formation that’s been there for millions of years. It makes whatever I’m currently worried about seem insignificant by comparison. Resets in nature are good.”