This Week in Kansas City: April 26 to 28

Start off with a walk/run/crawl in Strawberry Hill, track the flora and fauna in your neighborhood, and enjoy some cool jazz—all on tap for your weekend fun.

City Nature Challenge April 26 – April 29
The Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium is co-hosting with the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and the Heartland Conservation Alliance on the City Nature Challenge, an annual global competition where residents are encouraged to document wildlife in their cities. The annual four-day challenge begins on April 26 and runs through April 29. Community members can look for signs of life in local parks, neighborhoods, and backyards to see what plants and animals share our environment. 

7th Annual Strawberry Hill 5K Run/Walk/Crawl April 27
Kick off your Saturday with a brisk walk, run, or crawl through historic Strawberry Hill. It’s a new route this year to challenge participants with the hills, bumpy brick sidewalks, and alleyways between 4th and 6th streets of downtown Kansas City, Kansas. It’s $40 to join the race, and that includes a T-shirt and goody bag. 

Believe In: Night at the Museum April 28
Are you a true believer in the magic of jazz? Be prepared to immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience that blends jazz with the unique atmosphere of the American Jazz Museum. Support the American Jazz Museum with this exceptional fundraising experience. 

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