Pumpkin Hollow at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead

Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead 13800 Switzer Rd, Overland Park, KS, United States

Take a horse-drawn hayride down to Pumpkin Hollow, on select dates in October. Make your way through the spider web maze, drive your pedal car down Orrin's Country Road, scare the crows away at Slingshot Alley, climb with a goat in our Kidz Corral, and enjoy other old-fashioned games and activities before picking your pumpkin…

Event Series Beginner Bonsai Workshop

Beginner Bonsai Workshop

BlackRoot Farms Bonsai & Nursery 12905 State Hwy A, Liberty, MO, United States

Interested in bonsai but not sure where to begin? Come learn the basics of bonsai and make your first bonsai masterpiece! Interested in Bonsai but not sure where to start? No Problem! Our beginner workshops are designed for all ages and skill levels! Whether you’ve got a black thumb or a green thumb, come learn…

Night of the Living Farm at Deanna Rose Children’s Farmstead

Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead 13800 Switzer Rd, Overland Park, KS, United States

Explore the Farmstead after dark...if you dare! Dress up in your favorite costume for a night of spooktacular fun. Activities Include: Scary and non-scary hayrides Stone Lion Puppet Theater Pirate ship races Spooky experiments with Mad Science Superhero Obstacle Course Dance with a princess in the Pavilion Fortune Tellers Scarecrow Maze Pumpkin Walk to explore…