Many families have long-entrenched traditions around celebrating the Fourth of July, but it’s possible that you can shift stylishly without upsetting Aunt Gladys. Why not kick things up a bit this year?
No need for fancy dress, but you could elevate the look of your table even if you’re serving Bomb Pops for dessert. (And who wouldn’t? They’re perfect.) White plates are my preference, but texture will reflect a casual mood. We use fabric napkins at every meal and World Market linen napkins are a staple at our house. The colors are rich, the hand is lovely, and thanks to their reasonable price, I can throw one away if the puppy claims it as a chew toy when I’m not looking. The indigo colorway suits the holiday and is a great color for every day.
Pottery with an interesting glaze will reflect the candlelight and sparklers, and as it is a celebration, Champagne is certainly in order. (One could—or I could—argue that Champagne is always in order.) Make the most of it and keep the bottle chilled nearby.