We all have those unique/interesting/quirky people we like to follow on social media. But who’s flying under the radar? We asked some of Kansas City’s best and brightest social media influencers one simple question: Who are some local folks we need to be following and why?

Jenny Vu—F(EAT)URED KC foodie, Med Student, Coffee/Cupcake/Cocktail/Carb Connoisseur
“One person I find unique and follow-worthy is (photographer) Sari Lowenstein. As a KC native, she shows the best of what the city has to offer! From murals to meals, she shares it all. You’ll never have to ask her for her opinion because she’ll share her honest personal experiences and her food recommendations with you.
Besides her stunning photos, what makes her stand out the most is her positivity and the passion she has for our city. I have never seen another influencer be so kind and exude hometown pride like Sari does. You can clearly see her love of Kansas City with every post and caption she makes. If you haven’t been following her yet, go do it now. You’ll never have to look for another date-night idea or photoshoot location again.”