Five Things You Don’t Know About Me: Fiber Artist Holly Benson

Besides being a local psychotherapist for over three decades, Holly Benson, who has a doctorate degree in education and is a licensed social worker, is also a renowned fiber artist. She says her life work brings together the creative spirit of handwork and the healing process of helping others live more meaningful and productive lives. (You can find her artisan wares at Three Springs Market at the Mission‘s online store.)


We caught up with the proverbial dream-weaver to find out five things you don’t know about her:

5) At 8 years old, my first job was on a turkey farm cleaning vats of gizzards.
My ongoing, seasonal work there helped fund my education—my bachelor of arts and my master’s degree—at the University of Vermont. I was eventually recruited to a research associate position at The University of Kansas where I earned my second master’s and doctoral degrees.”

Some of Benson’s handiwork

4) I began my love affair with handcrafting as a young child in 4-H.
“I have continued my exploration into many different mediums over the course of my lifetime.  I have made more than 100 quilts. Plus, in the last year, I made over 500 face masks for local healthcare providers, family members, and friends.”

3) I have an affinity for birds, bordering on fanaticism.
“I once raised a parakeet hatchling who insisted on drinking out of my wine glass and joining me in the shower.”

2) I can balance four spoons on my face at once …
“… and wiggle my ears.”

1) I was born and raised in Fairfield, Vermont.
“And I attended a one-room school with no water, an outhouse, and heated with pot-bellied wood stove.  Some years, I was the only child in my class.”

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