Dawna Daigneault Ed.S., LPC, is all about healing. In fact, she spent the past two years of her personal time creating So Worthy, a self-worth app that introduces an explorative and introspective healing space for people in their own homes.

Not only does she have 14 years of professional counseling under her belt, she’s also a graduate from the University of Missouri – Kansas City with a master’s and education specialist degree in counseling.
We caught up with the compassionate Daigneault—who currently owns Zest of Life in the metro—to find out five things you don’t know about the self-worth guru.
5. “I seized the opportunity to create a free self-help app 2½ years ago. I’m tenacious, so spending my weekends turning complicated content into a simple journey on an app was an appealing challenge. I laid out hundreds of notes and drawings across my floors as I attempted to map where the many different paths would flow from topic to topic. Check out the finished project at www.soworthy.app.”
4. “I was born with metatarsus adductus and a right leg deformation. I had to wear corrective shoes and braces as a toddler. My mom did a brilliant thing and enrolled me in ballet classes which trained and strengthened my feet and legs to turn out. I took dance classes from the age of 3 up through college because I loved dancing.”
3. “I love the Beatles’ White album and would listen to the whole thing on repeat when I was younger. Two years ago while driving up to Mount Rushmore, a sign with the words ‘Black Hills’ caught my attention. Impulsively the words, ‘Now somewhere in the Black Mining Hills of Dakota there lived a young boy named Rocky Racoon …’ the rest of the song followed (almost perfectly) to the surprise and delight of all in the car—including me.”

2. “I was a tag-a-long on a trip to Greece last year with some family. We completed the Sacred Greek Triangle in auspicious style—three people, three days, three temples—by happenstance. I have been expecting some Mount Olympus magic ever since.”

1. “I am an experienced-beginner yogi. I love going to yoga classes (pre-pandemic) but instead of getting more skilled over the years and moving up—my body has played a trick on me by aging at a rate where I am able to just manage the beginner level moves without injury and feel like I’ve accomplished a great feat.”