Crystle Lampitt was the bubbly, ever-cheery host of 38 The Spot for nearly a decade, as well as the co-host of the now-defunct, pay-for-play gabfest Kansas City Live. During her tenure on KCL, Lampitt had the chance to interview a slew of guests—everyone from local business owners to comedians to culinary pros.

We caught up with the affable Lampitt to see what she’s doing now—and how she’s surviving quarantine.

Hey, girl! How are you doing? And where are you hunkered down?
“I’m doing well! Quarantine life has been an interesting change of pace for me. I went from working 14 hours a day to—well, last week doing a whole puzzle. I spent this afternoon reading, so I can’t complain too much. I do miss my Ladies’ Happy Hours, though. I’ve been hunkering down in my townhome—still living in KC. I’m working hard on my yard, hoping to turn my patio into the new happy-hour spot with my dog. As it stands, I am healthy and the ones I love are safe, but I do look forward to being able to go to a coffee shop or a movie again.”
Were you surprised that Kansas City Live was canceled?
“Sadly, yes! I was surprised at the timing, but having worked in TV for 14+ years, I can’t say I’m ever surprised when shows get canceled—even when they’re doing really well! Wendy Williams once told me if you work as on-air talent, you must always have a Plan B. At first, I thought she was maybe taking a dig at my TV hosting skills. [laughs] But now I think she was just smart. I am happy to say I’m a planner of a person anyway, so I did take her advice.”
‘Fess up, who was your best and/or worst and/or most memorable guest? Enquiring minds want to know.
“Oh, man—that’s tough. I’ve gotta say, Chef Jasper Mirable, Jr. was always one of my favorite regular guests. He is like a warm hug—and wherever he goes, delicious Italian food follows. He pretty much fed me lunch just about every time he came into the studio too, so that probably swayed me a little.
I also loved having my therapist friend, Britt Frank, in for Mental Health Mondays. She always brought substance and smarts to the show—and as a mental health advocate myself, I think it was needed content. Our viewers really connected with the topics we discussed.
The worst? We had a comedian on once—I cannot remember her name for the life of me. She was so incredibly arrogant and rude to our staff that her PR agent promptly dropped her after her appearance on our show. Eek. I’m still waiting for my apology.”
Do you have an infamous blooper—or two?
“What comes to mind wasn’t really a blooper because we did it on purpose. But my co-host Kelly Nyberg and I did the ‘BeanBoozled Challenge’ on air. (For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, it’s a game kids typically play: you have to pick a jellybean from a pile of really tasty flavors mixed in with other jellybeans that literally taste like farts.) Of course, Kel drew the Dead Fish flavor and I got Rotten Eggs. So. Gross. I was hoping to get the coconut jellybean, which is also white in color, but alas, I could quickly taste (and smell) sulfur—and my gag reflexes kicked in right there, live on-air. I posted the video on my Instagram page if you need a laugh.”

What are you doing nowadays?
“I have actually been in a graduate program and internship these last couple of years while working in TV as well. I’m pursuing a master’s degree in clinical social work from KU to become a psychotherapist. I started taking therapy clients through my internship at Resolve Counseling & Wellness last year and it has been an incredible experience so far. I am specializing in treating trauma (shock trauma as well as developmental trauma), plus my background in media has given me a truly unique perspective on issues like body image, self-esteem, perfectionism, high profile careers, etc.
I work with adults and teens who are struggling through life transitions and dealing with any kind of depression, anxiety, and abuse. I have a special place in my heart for women who have experienced intimate partner violence. I look forward to graduating so that I can begin taking clients full-time.”
Any interest in getting back in front of the camera?
“For the right opportunity, yes! One of the things I loved about television was the platform it provided for me to share my purpose and message. I came into TV shooting, producing, and editing content for documentary films that primarily centered on women’s issues. On air I got to interview artists and entrepreneurs about topics that impacted our community. I have always treasured connecting with others and hearing their stories. I am still doing that, just on a deeper level now.
Right now my passion is in mental health advocacy and helping others to heal and grow through trauma and hardship. During pre-pandemic times, I was usually out and about speaking at schools and fundraisers about the importance of mental health—and now I make videos and write blog posts about it as well. I truly miss all of the viewers—so if you’d like to stay connected with me, you can find me via social media.”
Instagram: @crystlelampitt
Facebook: @connectwithcrystle