Semiretired from the company he founded in 1989 and with too much time on his hands, Kansas City advertising executive Pasquale Trozzolo went searching for new creative outlets. He picked up a book of poetry and a new pursuit was born. When the pandemic struck, he put his downtime to good work creating—as he refers to them—“virus poems.”

Now, Trozzolo’s debut poetry chapbook, Before the Distance, is available for presale ahead of its early December release date. ($10) All proceeds during the presale period will be donated to JDRF.
Trozzolo’s poems examine a longing for whatever normal once was and feature themes of escapism, friendship, yearning, and sorrow. “This unbelievable journey all started because my granddaughter Sophia’s high school graduation was postponed. I wrote her a poem, ‘Graduation,’ bound it with a few others and gave it to her as a gift,” Trozzolo said. “It was a hit with family, but I never thought it would go so far. Now I’m already working on a second book.”
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