The Gold Standard with Diamond Banc

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In uncertain times, people naturally turn to what they can depend on.

When jobs, interest rates, and even the price of groceries seem unpredictable, we all seek something steady.

For centuries, that steady constant has been gold.

Now might be the perfect moment to let your outdated, unworn, or hardly-missed gold pieces start working for you.

“Gold prices just reached nearly $3,000 an ounce, the highest value we have seen for gold,” says Sicily Von Overfelt, director of Diamond Banc in Kansas City. “In 2007, gold was $600 an ounce,” she says. “During COVID in 2020, gold reached $2,000 an ounce, and it has gone up even more after the presidential election.”

Gold: The Liquid Asset You Can Rely On When You Need It Most

Unlike real estate, stocks, bonds, and works of art, gold is a much more liquid asset. You can sell it quickly, if you know where to go and whom to trust.

Recently, Overfelt helped a customer facing a difficult situation. Her elderly mother had been admitted to a memory care facility, and hospice care was now required. The family was overwhelmed, struggling to cope with the emotional toll and the staggering $8,500 monthly cost of care. “She brought in about 30 pieces of old gold jewelry, and we went through each item together,” Von Overfelt explains. “I carefully itemized the value of every piece. In the end, she chose to sell several of them. Once the decision was made, I wrote her a check, and she left feeling a little more at ease.”

In as little as 30 minutes, you could sell your gold and walk away with the proceeds. It’s that easy.

Maximizing Value with Integrity

It’s this kind, caring, discreet, and professional customer service that sets Diamond Banc apart. Once you make an appointment and come in, there is no pressure to sell. You will get a free valuation on the gold jewelry you bring. You may decide to sell that day, you may not. Whatever you decide, you will know that Diamond Banc’s long history and reputation are also things you can count on.

Overfelt sees both longtime clients and those newly referred to her by other longtime clients. “On any given day, I usually have six to eight appointments with people wishing to sell their jewelry,” she says. “They know that relationships really matter in this business. Not only my trusted relationship with them, but also Diamond Banc’s large network of global relationships with retailers and buyers. Our clients know that we’re committed to transparency in what we do, our expertise in examining valuables, and our pledge to maximize the value of their special pieces.”

Setting the Gold Standard: Diamond Banc’s Transparent Approach

In the jewelry and financial space, transparency is the foundation of trust. Traveling gold and jewelry buyers who set up shop for a few days at a local hotel often operate with a “lowest offer” approach—testing how little you’ll accept and hoping you’ll agree. By the time you reconsider, they’re already gone, leaving no opportunity to revisit your decision.

“In contrast, Diamond Banc takes a different approach,” says Overfelt. “We don’t operate with a ‘take it or leave it’ philosophy. Instead, we educate our clients on the realities of the current market and walk them through how we determine value.” This allows customers to make informed decisions about whether the current market value aligns with their needs. After all, the market is always evolving.

 “Now is an excellent time to sell your gold jewelry,” says Overfelt. Diamond Banc provides a service that is discreet, professional, and tailored to each client. Whether you’re looking to “liquify your luxury” or access significant capital for a short period of time, Diamond Banc of Kansas City is there to assist.

Sicily Von Overfelt

Diamond Banc
435 Nichols Road, Suite 200
Kansas City, Missouri 64112

Sicily Von Overfelt is a GIA Diamonds Graduate with over 16 years of experience in the jewelry industry and 10+ years with Diamond Banc. She began her career in retail diamond sales, where she gained extensive experience with designer brands, the intricacies of the diamond market and providing luxury client experience. Sicily is the Director of Diamond Banc in Kansas City, authenticating and purchasing pre-owned luxury designer jewelry, diamonds, and watches from the public. 

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